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Casa International meetings, 5th and 6th July 2017

​​As a reminder, La Maison 24 was established in 2013, on the same basis as Casa, a humanitarian association founded in 2008 by Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche in Portugal. Other associations have been set up along the same lines in different countries with the common objective of providing aid to the poor.

​​The first international meeting took place in Portugal in 2014. This year it was held in France, at Saint Léon sur Vézère.The aim of these meetings is basically to strengthen the ties which bring us together and to create an international network so that we can share experiences and exchange ideas on our specific structures and activities, and to provide a framework and help for those who wish to set up the provision of aid in their own region, adapted to local needs.On the 5th July, the representatives of different countries met to lay down the basis for regular exchanges concerning this international project. On the 6th July, in the presence of Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche, each of them made a presentation of of their respective associations’ activities before a public of volunteers, donors, and friends.

between the representatives of the different countries

presentation of activities, along with a discussion

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